I don't want to do the dishes.
I don't want to do the wash.

I sprinkled clothes a week ago,
And now my iron is lost!

I don't want to rattle pots.
I don't want to rattle pans.

I just want to go outside
And play with all my friends!

Oh, the tables need some dusting,
And the floor could sure be mopped.

But I know when I get started
There will be no place to stop!

The closets are so full
Things are falling off the shelves.

I wish for cleaning fairies
And magic little elves.

They could sprinkle fairy dust
And twitch their little nose.

The windows would be sparkling
I would have no dirty clothes.

Oh, I know that I'm just dreaming
My head is in the sky.

I must beat the feather pillows
And bake an apple pie.

The bathroom is a mess,
And the kitchen needs attention.

And what I saw beneath my bed
I am afraid to mention!

I am running around in circles
I am getting nothing done.

I keep thinking of my playmates.
I am missing all the fun!

Well I guess these chores won’t do themselves.
I’d better get to work.

It seems my chores just multiply
The more I try to shirk!!

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This web page created 11/06