Pere Noel brought this lovely little French girl to my house for Christmas of 2006.


Noelle is an antique SFBJ 301 from approx. 1925-1928 and is marked SFBJ 301 Paris 1.
This little composition baby is still tied in her chair.
Noelle's chemise and half slip are hand sewn.
Ecoliere - GL 1927/28
Lonchamp - GL 1927/28
La Steppe - GL 1926/27
Fraîcheur - GL 1952
One can only speculate as to why a dress from a much later period was added to the collection.  The doll was passed down from mother to daughter perhaps?
Thank you for visiting Noelle's Trunk!
Dress and Beret from Cote Basque - GL 1928
Noelle came with her own dear little Frippon.
Jocelynne, an SFBJ 60 8/0 from the WW I era, models Matinal - GL 1924  with the blouse from
Le Bon Petie Diable - GL 1926/27.
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